
Para contactar / Gurekin kontaktatzeko


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7 comentarios en “Kontaktatu

  1. Aúpa! Estamos buscando un sitio por Bizkaia donde podamos organizar un festi de metal, el festi sería de 5 bandas: Akhvan (Bizkaia) + Niketz (Bizkaia) + Darmage ( Zaragoza) + Soldier (Asturias) + Get in tribal (Asturias) seria el 5 de diciembre. Nos gustaría saber si se podría hacer en el Izar Beltz Ateneoa y ya de paso informarnos de condiciones y demás Eskerrik Asko.

    • Hola!
      perdona la tardanza…. lo mejor es pasarse por el ateneo cualquier lunes ap artir de las 7 que es cuando se reune la asamblea y así atar fechas y ver como podríamos organizarlo.
      un abrazo

  2. Hey there,

    I’m Vivien of LD.Kharst.
    You set up a show for us a few years ago. We had great time there.

    I’m currently looking for somewhere to play around there with my other band that’s called Uns. It would be for the 9th or 10th of next June.

    Do you think you can make something for us?

    Here you can listen to our demo : http://noussommesuns.bandcamp.com/

    We only ask for somewhere to play, something to eat and just enough money to cover our transport fees.

    Keep me in touch please,


    Vivien / Uns

    • Hi Vivien.
      Sorry it took me so long to answer you. I´ve just read you note. mnext monday we have our weekly asembly,we´ll check dates and i´ll get back to you.

  3. Saludos! Habla usted Inglés?

    My name is Danny, I am friends with Hodei Esteban in Zarautz. He gave me your contact details. I would like to arrange a concert on Friday, 24th October

    We are Satans Mineons from Nottingham, UK. We tour in Europe a lot. In the last 4 years we have played in Spain, Holland, Germany, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium and Ireland.

    We had 9 concerts in Spain and Basque Country last year. It was so great that we are returning in October 2014 for another 8 days! We would love to arrange a show with you.

    We have 3 full albums available on vinyl. We do not put this music online, but you can hear a few songs on our website.

    Satans Mineons – http://www.satansmineons.tumblr.com
    Tour Posters – http://www.tourposters.tumblr.com

    It’s going to be an expensive trip for us. Can you pay us €100 for a night of music? We also ask for some food and a place to sleep. We will bring a backline of drums, 1 guitar amp and 1 bass amp – we only need a PA for the vocalist.

    We can play for 2 hours if you want, or we’ll be very happy to share the stage with local bands. I can book more bands if you want me to. I hope you like the sound of this. We have a poster ready to go. What do you think??


    Para la traducción – https://translate.google.es/

    • Hi there Danny. I’m so sorry for the late reply but until a few days ago this blog was in standby.
      I hope that your concerts were alrigth, in case of another tour I hope that you’ll contact with us and we will see the conditions of everything.


  4. Kaixo egunon!

    Donostiako Arkitektura eskolako 3 ikasle gara eta ikasgai batean irala auzoan aritu behar dugula agindu digute. Mozart plaza hartu dugu lan egiteko erreferentziatzat eta gaur egun plaaren iparraldean dagoen eraikin industriala eraberritzea erabaki dugu. Bertan zahar eta gazteentzako egoitza batzuk planteatu ditugu. Zuek eraikin horren erabiltzaile izanik zer behar dituzuen edo eraikin berri batean zer espazio behar dituzuen jakitea gustatuko litzaiguke.
    Bestalde, ohartarazi nahi dizuegu kontaktuan dagoen e-mailera mezu bat bidaltzen saiatu ginen eta arazoak izan genituen zuekin kontaktatzeko.
    Zuen erantzunaren zai geratzen gara. Eskerrik asko aldez aurretik.
    Ongi izan!

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